Friday 22 March 2013

Lost At Sea..

Yup, That’s pretty much how I'm feeling right now. The weather is utter rubbish just now in Aberdeen which has caused cancelled flights for a few days. I was meant to be off yesterday at lunchtime but it’s now scheduled for 8am tomorrow.

Fingers crossed!!

I get a few days at home before my Chris gets off his rig too and we head down to Englandshire for a few days to view some housies! 
 SOO frigging excited to be buying a house with the man I love ADORE 


Anyways... back to food.

I’ve got a huge mountain of recipes in my little black book that my brain has devised and I need to perfect each one before sharing them on here for you, but not a lot of time, so I need your help to pick one of the following deserts:

·Clean Chocolate Torte
·High Protein Pina Colada Ice Cream
·Raw Carrot Cake

Leave a comment below and let me know which one tickles your fancy, and if I get no replies, then I’ll post pictures but wont share the recipe.


I also have a number of projects I've just started:

 One long term, one not so long term, and one I’m aiming to have finished ASAP!

In case you didn't know... (and if not, where have you BEEN?!) I've just qualified as a nutritionist and I'm super excited about what challenges that holds for me in the near future! So the project I'm hoping to have finished soon is getting my website up and running so that I can start taking clients and get myself settled into my new role. 

The second project I'm working on just now is adding to my qualifications: I'm doing my Personal Trainer course! So... soon I’ll not only be able to feed you into shape, but I’ll be able to certifiably kick your butt into shape as well.


My third project is long term, and slightly scary! I'm not going to share what it is just yet, but this is just me putting on record that as of ....


Project: Scrap. . . Has begun.

I am aiming to have it complete in 18-24 months.


Love Flash xXx

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